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Providing a seamless solution.

Prospect Visual is committed to providing a seamless solution for our customers. With that goal in mind we are actively pursuing and working on projects that integrate Prospect Visual into platforms that our customers are familiar with. 


To find out how our existing integrated options can work for you, or to inquire about working to create new solutions please contact us.


The integrated solutions currently available are: 




  • Wealth Data provided by DonorSearch

Prospect Visual and Omatic Software join forces to bring innovative new Relationship Mapping technology to your fingertips. If you're using The Raiser’s Edge®, we would like to invite you to learn more about the advanced relationship mapping capabilities we are bringing to your platform.

Wealth Data provided by DonorSearch

The Prospect Visual/DonorSearch partnership gives our customers the unique ability to combine intelligence on their constituents’ strongest connections together with wealth and capacity information on their targets. Together we provide them with the essential building blocks of a precise, streamlined and highly effective fundraising strategy.

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