People donate to people they trust.
Connect to board and executives
Find new prospective donors
Cultivate deeper relationships
Connect to more prospective donors
Map "who knows whom" and "how"
With Prospect Visual, nonprofit organizations acquire the ability to create highly effective, focused strategies to reach and engage with their prospective donors and generate more, greater major-gift donations.
Prospect Visual is a vital tool for every department within a nonprofit organization. Armed with Prospect Visual:
Researchers can use their internal relationships to find connections to hard-to-reach prospective donors as well as identify new prospective donors within their closest proximity.
Fundraisers can use the relationships of existing donors to gain introductions, connect the dots within their portfolio to find new prospects, and engage more prospects by approaching them through their peers.
Constituent Relations can use connections between constituents and their peer networks to locate constituents and find the relationship connections that will help engage with them.
Corporations / Foundations can drastically reduce the time spent cross-referencing relationships and find the warmest paths to cultivate corporations and foundations for grants, partnerships or donations.
Database Managers can visually map the connections between constituents and their current employment using the high-quality and accurate data provided.
Event Stewardship can maximize the productivity of constituents at events while drastically reducing the amount of preparation research traditionally required.
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2 Min Overview Video for Nonprofits
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RESOURCES // Case Studies
Click play to find out how Donna's team found new prospects from within the community that turned into trustees and donors.
Click play to see how the Prospect Research team at MSI Chicago used relationship intelligence to solve problems when traditional methods were falling short.
Click play to find out how Kate's team used Prospect Visual to enrich their disvobery pool with two $1m+ Prospects in just one day!
Find out how Mark's team at The Nature Conservancy performed a 21-day request for international billionnaire in 48 hours!
Click play to see how Pam from Nebraska Wesleyan University turned her intern into a relationship-mapping machine to locate lost alumni and identify the means to reach them.
Find out how Stephanie Caudle, a self-confessed "Prospect Research Newbie" became Duke University's information superhero!